11 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding

1- A written policy on breastfeeding should be prepared and presented to all health personnel at regular intervals.
2- All health personnel should be trained in line with this policy.
3- All pregnant women should be informed about the benefits and methods of breastfeeding.
4- For the first hour after birth, babies should be contacted with their mothers to help them start breastfeeding.
5- Mothers should be informed about how breastfeeding will be and how they can continue to secrete the milk when they are separated from their babies.
6- Unless medically necessary, foods or beverages should not be given to newborns.
7- An application should be adopted to ensure that the mother and baby stay together for 24 hours.
8- Breastfeeding should be encouraged every time the baby asks.
9- Breastfed babies should not be given a bottle or pacifier.
10- Mothers should be informed about health institutions and mother support groups to be able to continue breastfeeding after their discharge
, to be able to solve the problems they may face and to be able to control the babies and themselves.
11- In all areas of the institution, international food code applications should be adopted and implemented. |
Ödemiş State Hospital Breastfeeding Policy Breastfeeding policy of our institution; Based on the 11 steps list in successful breastfeeding,
In line with this policy; |
- Our staff is informed about our breastfeeding policy and principles of encouragement breastfeeding. The training of the new personnel is made within the first month.
- All pregnant women who apply to our hospital are informed about the benefits of breastfeeding. In addition, interactive training is given to pregnant women who apply to the pregnant school of our hospital.
- Within the first hour after birth, the mother can breastfeed her baby and the mother and the baby get to make skin contact. The mother is informed about the importance of the first milk. This is the first time the mother is encouraged to give to the baby unless there is a medical reason.
- Breast feeding techniques are shown to mothers. It is explained how mothers can maintain milk secretion while they are separated from their babies. Breast milk can keep 3 hours in the room temperature , 3 days in the refrigerator shelf (+4 degrees), 3 weeks in the freezer of the single door refrigerator (-7 to -2 degrees), 3 months in the freezer of the two-door refrigerator (-18 degrees), 6 months in the deep freezer (below -18 degrees). It is explained that breast milk can be heated by bain-marie method at the time it is given to the baby. Brochures on the subject are distributed.
- It is explained to the mother that there is no need for any food other than breastmilk, unless breast milk is used.
- The mother is told about the benefits of staying in the same room with her baby. The mother and the baby are kept together in every possible condition and the mother is informed about breastfeeding whenever the baby wants each breast.
- Expecting the mother to breastfeed her baby is told about the benefits, praising their mother is encouraged to breastfeed.
- The use of pacifier and baby bottle to do breast rejection, disrupts the structure of the teeth, carry the risk of infection, blocked to successful breastfeeding .
- After discharge, mothers are encouraged to give breast milk only during the first 6 months and breastfeeding up to 2 years of age with appropriate supplementary food after 6 months. Mothers are advised to apply to Pediatrics outpatient clinics when they have problems with breastfeeding. The list of those who give birth in our hospital every month is notified to the Community Health Center and continuity is ensured in the follow-up of babies.
- In our institution, formula without the need for medical necessity with the application of international food code is not recommended. In our hospital, advertisements and marketing of breastmilk substitutes (poster, leaflet, free sample distribution) are not made.
This İnstitution Works As A Baby-Friendly Hospital For Healthy Growth Of Babies.