Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation includes diagnosis and treatment of physical and functional disorders. Physical therapy is a form of non-drug therapy that involves applications for externally applied hot, cold applications, electrical currents, massage and exercise, and pain relief, and is applied to musculoskeletal diseases or their use. It can be administered alone or in addition to orally administered treatments.

Rehabilitation is the treatment for regaining the lost ability to move, born or later



Education İnformation: 
1995-2001-İstanbul Unv. Faculty of Medicine
2003-2008 - Celal Bayar Unv. Faculty of Medicine
Specialist Training

Work Experience:
2008-2009 - Tunceli State Hospital
2010-2011 - Special Mersin Forum Yaşam Hst.
2013 - 2013 - Van Region Education Research Hst.
2016 - Ödemiş State Hospital

Education İnformation: 
1997-2003 Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine
2005-2011 Osmangazi Univ. physical therapy expertise

Work Experience:
2003-2005 Agri Patnos Doğansu village general practitioner
2011-2013 Trabzon Akçaabat khanbaba state hospital
2013-2015 Amasya sabuncuoğlu şerefettin training and research hospital
2015- 2018 Ödemiş State Hospital