Our History
03 Aralık 2018

Ekran Alıntısı.PNG

1971--- With the contributitions of the people ot Ödemiş the hospital starded to serve as a 50 bed.

1992--- As an additionnal building was bilding was contructed near the hospital the bed capacity reached 150 from 200.

2005---With the transfer of the ministry social welfare agency building continued it’s service with 250beds.

2010---Hone care service started.

2013---Dental polyclinic service building moved to new place.

2014---Communit mental healt center building bulding began to stand the service

2014-2015---Pregnent woment’schol opened.

2018---Step 2. Emergency Servisce.

Step3. İntensive care.

Step 2. New born intensive care.

Birth unity in water

Six painful birth lohusa room.

Pallvative care.

Eight operathing room.

300 bed for patient.





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